Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Life of an unemployed lawyer

Today is a typical day for me. I get up about 6 a.m. to see my husband off to work. I lounge around on the internet for the next three hours, look for jobs, send a couple of resumes to jobs that, in non-desperate times, I would never even bother applying too. Then I get bored. I play with my dogs and parrot and get ready for Big J to come home. At night I watch some teev and get ready to do it all over again the next day.

It seems kind of sad, but it really is not much different than the average day in any American's life. The only real difference is that my day is void of fruits of toil, as I am a part of that growing minority of the unemployed.

I am an unemployed lawyer. A year ago today, my life was going well. I was an attorney, at a law firm, and working. I was working overseas in fact. But I've recently relocated to the land of plenty, unfortunately right before the sky fell on Lehman Brothers et al., and so I am now I have no work.

I try not to be too depressed. I try to think that when life deals you lemons, you make lemon aide. I seem, however, to have run out of sugar.

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